This project is no longer maintained and no further public releases are planned.

No further support will be given.

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How to use AJAX validation

With Formhandler you can configure validation to be done with AJAX calls rather than having to submit the form.

Category: Howto, Advanced


How to use a master template

Master templates allow you to predefine how your form fields look like and add them to various forms while having their HTML code defined in a central place.

Category: Howto, Advanced


How to store data into more than one DB table

How do you store form data in separate DB tables to create a 1:n relation? Read more to find out.

Category: Howto, Advanced


How to set up a multistep form with conditions

Multistep forms are cool, but sometimes you may want to show different steps depending on the user input. Formhandler allows you to build complex forms with conditions. Read more to find out how to do it.

Category: Howto, Advanced


How to jump directly to a step

In a multistep form, you might want to allow the user to jump directly to a specific step. Normally, Formhandler blocks that due to security reasons. If you know what you are doing, you can force Formhandler to allow step jumping.

Category: Howto, Advanced


How to hide unfilled form field values in templates

It is nice to remove lines in the sent emails if the fields weren't filled out in the form. Of course, Formhandler allows you to do that. Depending on the user input you can show/hide lines in emails or blocks in your form.

Category: Howto, Advanced


How to add your own components

Have you ever wondered how you can add your own Interceptors, Finishers or other components to Formhandler? Click to find out!

Category: Howto, Advanced